Design Traffic Light Controller Using Verilog Fsm Coding
Given below code is design code for Traffic Light Controller using Finite State Machine(FSM). In this clk and rst_a are two input signal and n_lights, s_lights, e_lights and w_lights are 3 bit output signal. In output signal, "001" represents Green light, "010" represents Yellow light and "100" represents Red light. On the reset signal, design will enter into north state and start giving output after reset will go low. Design will turn on Green light for eight clock cycles and Yellow light for four clock cycles. Design will start with north, then goes into south, then east and finally into west and by this it will keep going.
Sr. No. | Name of the Pin | Direction | Width | Description |
1 | n_lights | Output | 3 | North Lights |
2 | s_lights | Output | 3 | South Lights |
3 | e_lights | Output | 3 | Eight Lights |
4 | w_lights | Output | 3 | West Lights |
5 | clk | Input | 1 | Clock Signal |
6 | Rst_a | Input | 1 | Reset Signal |
Design Code
module traffic_control(n_lights,s_lights,e_lights,w_lights,clk,rst_a); output reg [2:0] n_lights,s_lights,e_lights,w_lights; input clk; input rst_a; reg [2:0] state; parameter [2:0] north=3'b000; parameter [2:0] north_y=3'b001; parameter [2:0] south=3'b010; parameter [2:0] south_y=3'b011; parameter [2:0] east=3'b100; parameter [2:0] east_y=3'b101; parameter [2:0] west=3'b110; parameter [2:0] west_y=3'b111; reg [2:0] count; always @(posedge clk, posedge rst_a) begin if (rst_a) begin state=north; count =3'b000; end else begin case (state) north : begin if (count==3'b111) begin count=3'b000; state=north_y; end else begin count=count+3'b001; state=north; end end north_y : begin if (count==3'b011) begin count=3'b000; state=south; end else begin count=count+3'b001; state=north_y; end end south : begin if (count==3'b111) begin count=3'b0; state=south_y; end else begin count=count+3'b001; state=south; end end south_y : begin if (count==3'b011) begin count=3'b0; state=east; end else begin count=count+3'b001; state=south_y; end end east : begin if (count==3'b111) begin count=3'b0; state=east_y; end else begin count=count+3'b001; state=east; end end east_y : begin if (count==3'b011) begin count=3'b0; state=west; end else begin count=count+3'b001; state=east_y; end end west : begin if (count==3'b111) begin state=west_y; count=3'b0; end else begin count=count+3'b001; state=west; end end west_y : begin if (count==3'b011) begin state=north; count=3'b0; end else begin count=count+3'b001; state=west_y; end end endcase // case (state) end // always @ (state) end always @(state) begin case (state) north : begin n_lights = 3'b001; s_lights = 3'b100; e_lights = 3'b100; w_lights = 3'b100; end // case: north north_y : begin n_lights = 3'b010; s_lights = 3'b100; e_lights = 3'b100; w_lights = 3'b100; end // case: north_y south : begin n_lights = 3'b100; s_lights = 3'b001; e_lights = 3'b100; w_lights = 3'b100; end // case: south south_y : begin n_lights = 3'b100; s_lights = 3'b010; e_lights = 3'b100; w_lights = 3'b100; end // case: south_y west : begin n_lights = 3'b100; s_lights = 3'b100; e_lights = 3'b100; w_lights = 3'b001; end // case: west west_y : begin n_lights = 3'b100; s_lights = 3'b100; e_lights = 3'b100; w_lights = 3'b010; end // case: west_y east : begin n_lights = 3'b100; s_lights = 3'b100; e_lights = 3'b001; w_lights = 3'b100; end // case: east east_y : begin n_lights = 3'b100; s_lights = 3'b100; e_lights = 3'b010; w_lights = 3'b100; end // case: east_y endcase // case (state) end // always @ (state) endmodule
Above design code is synthesized by Xilinx Vovado and RTL view of design is shown below.
RTL view of Traffic Light Controller |
Test Bench of above code is given below.
`timescale 1ns/1ps module traffic_control_tb; wire [2:0] n_lights,s_lights,e_lights,w_lights; reg clk,rst_a; traffic_control DUT (n_lights,s_lights,e_lights,w_lights,clk,rst_a); initial begin clk=1'b1; forever #5 clk=~clk; end initial begin rst_a=1'b1; #15; rst_a=1'b0; #1000; $stop; end endmodule
Test Bench is simulated using Xilinx Vivado and waveform is shown below
Design Traffic Light Controller Using Verilog Fsm Coding
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